
Drama to Evangelize

Drama has  always been one of of the Most effective tools we use to evangelize. God has given Us the privilege to stage different Plays in different locations in and outside of our nation. The fruit of it all has always been souls surrendering their lives to Jesus Chist. We are always glad to be used of God while we put our passions to action

One of the most encouraging things to us is to see people both old and young surrender their lives to Jesus and allow Him to use them as fishers of men 


Emmanuel Omondi

One of the most memorable moments for me as a young boy was the drama dabbed CHOOSING HEAVEN OR HELL that brought so much conviction in me and I decided to give my life to Christ. That was the year 2001. A year later i joined ministry and became a member.

This has boosted my walk with Christ in terms of prayers and studying the word of God and at the same time allowing God to use me to project His love to they that do not know Him through the drama.

I count it a joy to see souls getting saved powerfully in these dramas we stage.  


Lilian Adhiambo

I got saved in late 2014 and I used to be very talkative I didn’t know I could use that to serve God. One day there was a need in church and was told to help out and that how I realized I had a talent and I could use it to minister to other people.

It’s been a privilege to be in drama ministry since then seeing people being transformed and changed for the better. The most fulfilling part of it is to hear testimony of people who got saved through a drama I was involved in and actually standing to do something for God.

Nowadays I go out for impacts to minister through drama and thousands are saved and changed am glad that I responded to that call. 


Elijah Njenga

I have been doing drama for a very long time in church. One of the memorable ones was dabbed (MWOKOZI) translated savior. After that I backslid. I got restored in 2012 where I joined the church and did not want to get involved with anything. A brother introduced me to the ushering team and I joined ministry since then.

During one family day event I did puppetry as a ministry which translated into me joining the drama team. Soon I became the assistant and now serving as the drama leader.

I get encouraged whenever we stage any drama and souls responding to the salvation. This gives me satisfaction and I know my reward is in heaven


Fredrick Oloo

I got saved in high school after being witnessed to by a long-term friend. I received the invitation to come to church in a crusade through another friend. I decided to dedicate my life to Christ from the day I set my foot in The DOOR CFC. I got involved in many ministries but drama for me was the best ministry.

I had a great passion for drama even before I got saved, there was an opportunity presented to me and I had to grab it with both hands. I love drama because it speaks to our lives both in and out of Christianity  

The Door CFC Nairobi


We are a Bible-based, Spirit-filled, Non-denominational Christian ministry with a passion to share the good news of Jesus Christ.
Worship services follow a contemporary style in a casual environment where you'll hear relevant messages for everyday life.


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