Pastor Patrick Nyamai 

Pastor Patrick and Caroline Nyamai are products of this Church having been discipled and raised in Ministry right here. Patrick and Caroline were married here in the Nairobi church, where they served the congregation faithfully on the church staff as both directors and youth leaders.

In the year 2000, they were asked to take over the Pastoral role at The Door Christian Fellowship Church Kisumu, Kenya. They pastored the church there for two and a half years, and they were instrumental in building a core foundation of people that are still members of that church, today. In the year 2002, they were asked again to take over the Pastoral role at The Door Christian Fellowship Church in Eldoret and had a major growth and revival there that still has impact till this day. In February 2005, they became the Pastors of The Door Christian Fellowship Church here in Nairobi – Kenya. They have served in the Pastoral role, faithfully, and are raising their two children, Natasha and Fabian, here.

The Door has become a “Mother church” over the years and has sent many couples from within the local congregation to plant churches around the Country. Our church has become a pillar of the community as a local church with a world-wide vision.

Duncan Kigode

I got saved in the year 2013. Before I was saved I got involved in bad groups filthy talks and a lost life without direction. Since Christ came into my life there has been a new direction, a hope for the future and a desire to serve him more.
I started with the ushering ministry for a period of time then joined the outreach interpretation. Later I became the bible study interpreter to date.

I joined youth ministry as a youth group leader (soul winners) and later became the youth leader. We have seen God transform our lives through programs, school rallies, youth fellowships and even the teen’s group sessions. Through this ministry hundreds of youth have been reached and our program has grown to around 200 youths.

Most youths are joining ministry and also bringing others to church. We thank God for the vision extreme. I am looking forward to having powerful events that are life transforming  


Ayany Estate, Kibera 
Nairobi,   Kenya

Phone: +254 736 557 879